Sunday, April 19, 2015

Kids Ruin Everything

Other people with children often tell me that boys will do all the things that girls won't do. Does this mean Emmett won't ask me if he can poop in the backyard, or climb on top of my car or replace the words in picture books with fart noises? Because that's the lifestyle to which I've become accustomed, and I hate to think it all ends with one little boy.

I'm not really worried. This morning at my Friday coffee-shop hour with friends at school I was bragging about how much I love hanging out with him, and it's fully true. Nothing I say about him is exaggerating, so I'm not exaggerating when I say that he ruins e v e r y t h i n g.

I'm always telling Bim this, that kids ruin everything, but weirdly he always wants to defend them, as if I'm accusing them of something bad! The little buggers are thorough and they're fast. More than anything I admire it. Last week as I sat on the bed folding laundry, Emmett was going through my drawers and, one by one, throwing every article of clothing in the air. Fold one, throw two, fold one, throw two. It's a partnership. And I think we're pretty near unbeatable--except maybe by Congress.

I remember things I ruined: my mom's mirrored make-up tray that turned out to be disappointingly bad at holding up my sheet fort (she was surprising mad about that one), the silver ring my dad sent her from Thailand before they were married, possibly still embedded in the dirt under the park swings . . . not to mention all the things I lost: clarinet, glasses, retainer, swimming suits, backpacks, jackets. Emmett has taken the ruination of our upholstered couch to the next level and that is saying a lot because his sisters got there before him and have built countless forts and stashed countless snacks and lidless markers in its cushions.

Carry on, my wayward son. There'll be peace when you are done. But not until then. No peace for anyone.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Catalina Spring Break

After it was all over I suggested to Bim that we should calculate how much our spontaneous weekend cost, for future reference, knowing that he could never resist the challenge to count up all the tallies and tie up all the ends. I don't regret asking it, in the same way that I don't regret finishing Emmett's dinner after mine, but I still wish it hadn't happened. No, the reckoning wasn't pretty. But the trip was beautiful.

Liv requests to sit in front so she can help drive. Loves the smell of gasoline, loves to push that pedal.

This one loves the scenic life.

Liv wears pants now, as of this day, no big DEAL!!!

Wild animal park.


and going

and coming

Probably asking Google how to make fire.

No signal? What does that even mean?

Checkin' stuff

Suitable for napping.

Yes, that'll do just fine.

Gotta go tell somebody.

And that's when the camera battery died. We made a conscious decision not to pack anything but a few clothes, sleeping bags and snacks for the ferry. Not even a camera battery (oof). But at least our cell phones died within hours of arriving and all the power outlets were turned off.

That's when you say some choice bad words and then shrug and cheerfully forge ahead with a new resolution to live in the moment. Because you can't go back again.

Oh, but when we do go back again we are going to make some thriftier choices.

Monday, April 13, 2015

A brief run-down

No time! But I don't want to forget.

Another bout of lice, I would happily forget, but it happened and I accept it with a certain amount of incredulous humor. I'm only able to laugh about it because Picky Pam exists and although I now do most of the combing myself to save the money, it's a comfort to know she's out there to back me up almost every day of the week. Bless her soul.

After many days of delay and indecision I had one faint idea of what we could do for a spring break getaway. How pathetic am I at planning and packing? Very. But when Catalina popped into my head, we seized it and forged ahead. We chose it primarily because the ferry is two miles from home and the island has a grocery store, so I wouldn't have to shop for groceries in advance. And it was a success! No vomit on the ferry, limited night waking (from Emmett only; the girls slept through both nights with no potty needs and no complaining of cold), surprise school friends at the campsite and some beautiful days. Oh, and relaxing starlit nights.

Psych! The first part is true but I did NOT sleep well either of the two nights. Emmett sleeps very well in his own space, but if he knows we're near, he's ready to party--or cry--at any time. As long as I stayed perfectly still, not adjusting for cold or pee or sore hips, I had a chance at quiet, but we all know I'm not stoic. My final verdict is that two nights was ah-plenty.

Cameras had no battery power, thanks to aforementioned poor planning, so most of this trip will have to linger or fade in our memories, as nature wills.

Other current events include:

Liv was awarded Student of the Month status today. The principal came to her classroom and she had to stand with his hand on her shoulder while he went through his spiel. She repeatedly tried to sit down but was pulled back. Pursed lips, bug eyes, head down, trying not to smile. That's my Lou.

Ally was identified to take the GATE test but we were only given 2 days' notice to prepare her.  It's hard to watch her enter this new phase of life that brings self-awareness/self-consciousness, rigorous and frequent testing, social cliques, body change and all the rest. I overheard her making comparisons of her body with her friend's the other day (bless her friend for being 1 part oblivious and 2 parts kind and generous) and I thought, this is it; don't get scared now. If Kevin from Home Alone can stay strong, then so can I. I try to find moments of alone time during which I can casually bring up topics (oh, no big deal, but ...) without her noticing that I'm trying to teach her something.

Emmett loves balls. It feels like an awkward thing to say, but you get it. He loves to run up and down hills, throw balls into the air, throw balls at stuff, catch balls, kick balls and roll balls. He's added a devious face to his repertoire of expressions. His bond with his blue blanky, Stinky, grows more powerful with each new colony of germs. He's utterly fantastic.

Bim is planning to run a marathon next month. He's crazy but that's cool.

I would love nothing more than some hours to write a better blog post, but I choose sleep and food first. So I guess that's what I really love more. I'm not even going to read this post for errors. Byeeeee.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Crabfest 2015

Lest the world never witness the splendor, I give you CRABFEST 2015.

We keep the guest list revolving because Crabfest needs to be savored and that's best done with a small, select group. Every year I want to invite everyone I know, and also everyone I see or talk to. It's really hard to hold back. This year I promised Lauren we'd keep it small for reals, and we mostly did, but I couldn't help inviting our favorite neighbors, Craig and Lisa, especially because they're moving sometime in the next couple of months. Had to seize that day.

Always I wonder if we have enough crab and always the miracle of the loaves and crabs occurs and I have at least one rascally claw left to enjoy the next day all by m'self. It was a great day and I decided I prefer cold crab to warm crab. So what?