Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The End of Freedom (3rd) or the Beginning (Kinder), Depending on Which Grade You're Facing.

The Third-Grader on the left has a tummy ache. First day jitters. 
"Mom, why do you have to take a picture?"

Come back.

"OK, that's cool! I'll be right here!"

Nary a qualm.

Despite having plenty of used uniforms from Ally, I had to buy more because this one only wears skirts. 

Petit Ecolier buscuits. Because she's a petite ecoliere. 

Can't get there fast enough!

Night-before haircut by Mama.

Best buddy, Ryann. 
Kate, Ryann, Liv, Gigi. Preschool grads.

First day with Mrs. A.