Sunday, April 15, 2012

it's the most wonderful time of the year

it's the day we eat crab legs!

y'all are gonna eat so much crab y'all's gonna be walkin' outa here sideways, clickety-clack across the patio on yer little crab legs. y'all are gonna leave here more crab than person.

in addition to the Diaz trio, we had Doris & Co., and Brian & Liz Gilliland (awesome neighbors, parents to the great Layla and Stephen) to share the feast with. perhaps i should have taken a picture before we ate all the food but, friends, there just wasn't time.


  1. That looks SO good! I have been craving crab, fish, pretty any sea food for weeks now! Maybe you can send a little of that with Lo? :)

  2. All of these posts, reading them today, I just keep thinking, you are so grown up. So adult. You've always been, but it has now been reinforced. You know, inviting neighbors over and all. Officially official.

  3. Mmmmm. Crab legs. Mmmmm. Miss you guys.
