Thursday, August 11, 2011

the story keeper

this morning bim heard something in the other room and ran in to find that ally had pulled out every drawer of her dresser and started climbing it. she wanted to get some clothes for liv, she said. this is one of those scenarios i'd imagined happening {along with every other worst-case scenario a parent can imagine--you know} and had warned her about numerous times."and that's why we don't climb on furniture!"

fortunately this dresser is in our closet and it couldn't tip more than about 30 degrees. she was spooked nonetheless, so we wrote a story about it. the picture was outstanding, i think. see bim in action! note that she drew a door floating in the space between him and her and the dresser. (because he did have to run into the room.)

i love the four year-old mind.


  1. Scary! I'm glad it was in the closet. Go super hero Bim!! I'm excited to see the drawing.

  2. I love the four-year-old mind AND how you put this particular 4-year-old's mind to work writing stories. I predict it's novels next.

    On another note, could you guys come occupy our downstairs again? On a regular, on-going basis? I'm kind of boring here by myself.

  3. Oh don't we wish every father could be a super hero to his little ones? I know I felt that way about my dad when I was little too. So lovely.

    Sure enjoyed our time in UT together.

  4. Glad she was okay!
    I love your "and that's why we don't climb on furniture" warning! It's sounds like every other word that comes out of mine and James' mouths. I'm so doing and saying everything I always swore I never would. Hey, they need that, right?! I just didn't know I needed it when I was young.
    I love that she writes stories about it all. You are such a great Momma. I need to have my girls do more of that.

  5. ooooh i'm excited for the picture! (and, of course, very glad she's ok)
