Thursday, May 26, 2011

that happens to me all the time

I was listening to the Radiolab podcast the other day (a fine program that i highly recommend if you like funny people and science). The guest author was talking about a phenomenon he calls "rhyming events," which is more or less what it sounds like: when an event in your life nearly repeats itself. For example, a man hid from the Nazis in a room in Paris. Then, thirty years later his son moved to Paris and, without knowing his father's history there, rented the same room.

Tonight as I was putting babydoll Alice into her jammies, per Ally's instructions, I realized the doll was just the size and shape of the chicken I roasted for dinner (and probably would have tasted better). Rhyming event! Sort of.

Here's something that happens all the time here: morning hair. It usually only looks like this right after I comb it out, but this morning was something special. It's like an orange on a toothpick.

What I always think is that if Errol Flynn and Jerry Lee Lewis had a baby, this is what she would look like:

This would happen every day if I didn't *periodically* supervise the bunny's room.

Another thing that happens to me all the time: I stop by my neighbors' house because Ally wants to, and I accidentally mention something like, I need to go get some lemons, and they give me a big bag of lemons they just picked that day from their tree (which swear I didn't know they had). Marge & Guppy are the neighbors you dream of having and if Ally had her way we'd be there every day.

This post is out of order. So what? Also, I deigned to use capital letters, despite the fact that Ally broke my shift key. Don't get used to it.


  1. Duuuude. I totally need to give you my Curly Girl book to read. There's a whole chapter on kids with curly hair. Next time I see you (which I promise will be within the next couple of months), I'll bring it to you. There's even a DVD.

    Rhyming event! (The chicken part made me laugh.)

  2. I wish we could grow lemons, limes and avocados up in our neck of the woods. Sabine has curly hair but it's thin so not crazy like your girls. I love the pics, your kids are so cute!

  3. HAHAHAHA Errol Flynn and Jerry Lee Lewis HAHAHAHA! Thanks for the morning giggles :) I often think I am going to braid Elyza's hair and put a cap on her like Laura Ingalls so that I don't have to fight with the morning mess. I can't even imagine having to tame two heads of curls! So cute.

