Wednesday, February 17, 2016

i don't pooh pooh. i only oui oui.

I make a conscious effort to say YES to the questions and opportunities and suggestions of my family. It follows that my default--my first instinct--is to say NO. Which is not to say that I'm negative or rut-prone. I hate ruts! I'm not fond of schedules or lists of rules, and I love to be spontaneous. (See: lots of mistakes I made when I was young but independent enough to make rash and life-altering choices.)

Still, living with young children can have a dampening effect on a person. You might want to try something new but experience has taught you to see several steps ahead to disaster and that foreshadowing keeps you on the known path. Then there's my husband. Bim loves a known path; he's the kind of person who likes to take the same route home from work every day. But his example is ironically what inspires me to step out of my routines.

My routines necessarily include blocking out distractions as much as possible. If I didn't put on blinders and say no to 10 distractions, I would never get 1 thing done. But Bim is a listener. If the kids ask him for something, he takes the time to consider it. If he's on the phone with a client, he will put the client on hold if I rudely interrupt with a question. (I would never dream of interrupting. But if I did, he would.) I shush him all the time, but he never shushes me. If the kids want something -- or if I want something -- he tries to make it happen for us.

And so I am trying to say YES when I would normally say NO. It feels good and worthwhile. It's a good thing I married that person. Good for me.

Muffins for every meal. Or at least a lot of meals.

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