Thursday, November 8, 2012

try to remember that kind of november

Quoth Ally, at the bakery, munching on her croissant: "Mom, are there people in the world who let their children have what they want?"

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Ally, while doing homework, distractedly:

"oh, mom! i forgot not to be silly!"

"no! mrs. s doesn't like us to do that!"

"this is like a design. i call it an elf swirl because it kind of looks like an elf and it's stuck in a stocking so it's an elf swirl. and you never stop making cool designs. See that one? It's called a Flower L. And this one is called a hearted E. That's the Swirly B."

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Liv, spontaneously, from the back seat of the car yesterday: "America! Oba-Obama! I cheer for dose two fings!"

this i think she learned from Big Sister, whose reaction to the election results Wednesday morning is captured in the picture below. no doubt we are all influenced one way or the other by our parents, but no, I did not indoctrinate--nor even educate--her about the candidates this year. i like to see what she comes up with on her own.

We spent the last hours of daylight on election day here. It was quiet. It was peaceful. It was Liv's idea.


  1. I cheer for dose two fings too! Elyza also voted Obama. She heard that Romney wanted to get rid of PBS and that was the end for him :)

  2. And Ally. . .LOL! No love, Elyza will give you an earful about not getting what she wants as well :) Also, Aunt Megan says be as silly as you can when out of school!!!
