Friday, August 17, 2012

anniversary times, seventh season

Me: BIM!'re making the same face every time!
Bim: oh, right, funny faces. OK. 

All day babysitting for Ally and Liv = all day for me and Bim to ride the BIG KID roller coasters at Knott's Berry Farm and Soak City. Good thing the girls weren't around to hear some of the words that slipped out of me on the way up and down...
(If you love rickety old roller coasters, I have two words for you: Ghost Rider.)


  1. Ha ha! he is making the exact same face in #1, #2, and #6. Cute couple! glad it was a fun day for you, and kidless too! thought of you on that day, but life gets so darn busy. on a side note....thinking of your momma now!
