Saturday, July 7, 2012

the blue bird of happiness

ally had her first ballet recital last weekend. i predicted boredom and impatience during the 3-hour backstage wait, 3 days in a row. (did we really sign up for that?) but i was wrong. there was candyland, there were iPads, there was makeup! and mirrors, mirrors everywhere. i didn't think they were serious about that stage makeup, but when all the other moms brought it except me, i think ally was a little disappointed. someone gave her some sparkly eyelids and that made it better. the next night i brought it and she threw her arms around me, then ran to the mirrors to acquaint herself with the *new* fabulous ally. win.

well, hello there

for my part, i found entertainment in my iPod, my reading material, and the stage parents, some of whom were pretty awesome. half the moms were pumping their kids full of sugar and the other half were real mad about it. would whoever is giving the kids chocolate please stop? now there's chocolate all over my daughter's tights and i don't know what to do!

maybe start by interrupting her attempts to mop the floor with her body? but not really; all the girls were getting a lot of joy from that. such a shiny, slickery floor! 

the show was pretty cool and ally was only too happy to be on stage. this was her second event in the high school theater and i think it's starting to feel pretty familiar. far from overwhelming her with costume changes and bobby pins and endless waiting, waiting, waiting for the bluebirds to go on stage, the pageantry energized her.

looks like we're not done with ballet just yet. more bobby pins! QUICK!

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