Sunday, March 27, 2011

fine or not fine

driving in the car the other day...

ally told me she was going to look out the window and see if there was anything wrong. i went on talking to lauren, who was in the passenger seat. sure enough, a minute later ally rolled down the window and yelled, "WRONG!"

doesn't it make you wonder what was wrong?

today she expanded her purview: now she will yell--wrong! trouble! broken! fine or not fine!--as the occasion warrants. also, she is watching out for any baby polar bears that need rescuing. my friends, she is on the job.


  1. She didn't tell you? I think there are quite a few times when I'd love to shout out the window, "WRONG"!! Ha ha! She is so cute!

  2. Okay, it's 5:45 a.m. and I NEVER laugh out loud at this time in the morning. Never. I'm sure the reason is obvious. Today, however... :D

    And today I will feel ever so much safer knowing that Ally is on the job.

  3. Bahahah! So really, you never found out what was wrong? Inquiring minds would like to know! I am in love with the princess hats. Did you make them?

  4. everyone needs some diaper-on-the-head moments now and then, right? so i tell myself...

  5. Heck, I have a diaper on my head right now.

    WV: Pioty, the smoking of which lead directly to diaper head.

  6. Thanks for the laugh out loud moment! I'm going to copy her.
