Sunday, October 10, 2010

the queen's favor

ally likes mommy kisses, not daddy kisses.
she likes daddy laughs but not mommy laughs.
dad has to get the cereal.
mom has to pour the drinks of water.

on any given day it's easy to tell which way the wind is blowing. today i sat in the living room and looked up from my book once in a while just to enjoy the voices coming from the other room:

dad dad dad dad. dad? dad dad. dad. dad? dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad? daaaad! dad. dad.

he he he.


  1. I sometimes think it's funny that I get to leave and go to work while James cooks dinner, helps Logan with homework and puts all three girls to bed! Shhh! Don't tell him that. Big ha ha!
    Sometimes we need to be in the other room, or away at work!

  2. love the little chuckle at the end. it's a bit devious.

  3. ahhhh. sweet, dare i say, revenge? i love those sounds too.

  4. Daddy is my most favorite word ;)

  5. I'm enjoying you enjoying eavesdropping. And your comfortable vantage point.
